Thursday, March 29, 2007

Outline & Main Theme (Mar 24)

This session we shared some of the additional 50 observations from Genesis 1:1-2:3.

A few random notes:

1. Phil observed that the creation account includes much more detail about the earth, but very little about the heavens.
  • Dorman remarked that that is a trend seen throughout the Bible: the focus is on what happens on earth, while there is little detail about heaven.
  • A question was raised if "heavens" refers to Heaven or to the sky and space in general.
  • Dorman noted the Hebrew word for heavens is literally "up there."

2. Jean Marc noted that only seed bearing plants are given to man to eat. Why?
  • Dorman pointed out that there is a general theme of reproduction in the passage and that God's command to man was to "be fruitful and multiply." The word "seed" also appears a few times, noting that it comes up in Genesis 3 later. (a little look ahead)

3. JM also noted the structure of Genesis 1:27 :
  • A = God created man
B = in His own image
B' = in the image of Go
A' = He created him;
C = male and female He created them
  • The mirror structure of the verse poetically emphasizes that God created man in His own image. Man is a reflection of God.
  • Both man and woman are created in His image.

4. Genesis 2:3, for the first time, states a reason for God's action: "because" - a causal link.
Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in it He rested from all His work which God had created and made.
  • Rest is a huge theme throughout the Bible
  • O.T.: Rest in the (promised) land. (Joshua)
  • N.T.:
  • God rested: the all powerful rested->balance->integrity->Hebrew "echad"
  • "Hear O Israel, the Lord your God is one(echad)"

[Sorry if your observations aren't listed above, I didn't write down everything!]


1. Make a one page outline of Genesis 1:1-2:3
  • Consider: How would you teach this passage? (i.e. make a teaching outline)
  • How is the passage organized?
  • What are the big principles?
  • Be careful not to get caught up in the minutiae and miss the big picture.
2. Describe the main theme of Genesis 1:1-2:3 in 60 seconds
  • 60 seconds = approx 8-9 sentences

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